A logo for knights of columbus council # 1736 ridgewood , nj

Installation of Officers Ceremony

Saturday Sept 18 2021

The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus #1736 held their 2021/2022 Officer Installation ceremony at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Presiding over the installation were Father Ron Rozniak and District Deputy George Thompson. 

Officers installed for the 2021-2022 year are:
Grand Knight - Jeff Voigt
Chaplain - Msr. Ron Rozniak
Deputy Grand Knight  -  Michael Dos Santos
Chancellor - Dave Seaman
Recorder - Jim Roth
Financial Secretary - Mark Mulvey
Treasurer - Mike Helmstetter
Lecturer - Mike Dougherty
Advocate - Chris Weigl
Warden - Bill Fanaras
Inside Guard - George Giaquinto
Outside Guard - Peter Hamilton

Saturday Sept 28 2019

The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus #1736 held their Officer Installation ceremony at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. District Deputy Douglas J. Heron formally recognized the 2019/2020 Fraternal Year Officer Slate.

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